
Dreams, wishes and financial security all require long-term planning.

Asset Management

Both “bankable” assets, such as stocks, bonds, etc., and “non-bankable” assets, such as corporate holdings and real estate portfolios, require constant monitoring and management. A diligent and professional approach to managing an investor’s assets is essential.

When we are asked to manage a client’s assets, we create an investment profile that reflects as closely as possible the investor’s interests, needs and objectives. This profile is an amalgamation of the investor’s views on long-term investment objectives, risk tolerance and investment horizon. A written agreement is drawn up to govern the relationship between the investor and the asset manager. This agreement may be amended from time to time to reflect changing circumstances and requirements.

Investors can choose between an independent asset management company and a bank. One of the characteristics of independent asset management companies is that the asset managers manage their clients’ assets according to their own convictions and are not influenced by others or by personal, product-related considerations. They are therefore not restricted in their choice of investment products and can make completely impartial decisions.

In addition, independent asset managers always focus on the individual needs of their clients. This is guaranteed by the fact that, in most cases, an independent asset manager’s income is directly linked to the profit he or she generates for the client. What’s more, because they are independent of banks, asset managers are able to provide more personalized advice and devote more time to each client. Asset managers generally act on behalf of an investor through a power of attorney. The client’s assets are held in an account at a custodian bank.

An overview of our services:

  • Strategic support in the selection of an independent asset manager
  • Referring contacts to asset management banks
  • Administrative support for all additional services not related to asset management
  • Ongoing coordination of contacts and links to asset managers and banks

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